首頁 移加事前 在港申請HSBC加拿大戶口



  1. 護照
  2. Study Permit/ Work Permit Approval Letter
  3. 地址證明


  1. Scanner (Scan 護照資料頁同簽名頁, 如無Scanner可以用手機試下)
  2. 有影相功能既手提電話


  1. HSBC CA 揀個啱你既戶口

  2. 跟住佢既提示如實作答就得 (註: 税務編號填返HKID, 地址電話可以用香港既 但地址證明同填既地址要一樣 請跟返地址證明上面既地址寫)

  3. 開戶過程中會叫你白拍同影護照

注意: 如果落地時間超過半年 佢會要求你落地補文件先開戶

完成後, 你會收到 HSBC Bank Canada 電郵確認, 電郵如下:



Thank you for your application. To support your immigration needs, we are reviewing the documents you submitted. If we need more information, an International Case Manager will contact you within 3-5 business days.

If we don’t need more information, you’ll receive an account opening confirmation email with a summary of next steps.

If you haven’t heard from us in 5 business days and you need to contact us about your application, please mention your reference number: XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Terms and conditions

The documents below set out the terms and conditions that apply to your account:

Personal Banking Agreement - explains your relationship with us

Personal Service Charges Statement of Disclosure - information on our fees

Important information, such as: Resolving Your Complaints, Our Rates, and more, can be viewed at: www.hsbc.ca/documents

Other helpful information:

Get to know Canada and Canadian Banking better - read our Canada guide

Learning more about international banking

Thank you for your interest in our services.


International Banking Team

HSBC Bank Canada


之後1至2日內,你會收到由HSBC Bank Canada電郵 入面會有你account number 同 account activate date。係 activate 後就可以打去HSBC CA 去拎 Electronic Banking Number (EBN) 同 Online Registration Code 去開 ebanking

HSBC Bank Canada 電郵如下:



We’re happy to confirm your HSBC Advance Account is now open.

Your account number is: xxx-xxxxxx-xxx

What happens next?

You’ll be able to use your account after YYYY-MM-DD Get to know Canada and Canadian banking better - read our Canada guide Learning more about international banking

What to do next?

Register for online banking

1 Contact our Internet Banking team at 1-877-621-8811 (in Canada) or 1-604-525-4722 (outside Canada) to get the following:

Your Electronic Banking Number (EBN)

Your Online Registration Code

2 Get started on the registration page.

3 When you reach Step 2 (Verify Identify), make sure you select “Electronic Banking Number/Online Registration Code” from the Registration Method dropdown.

Download the HSBC Canada app

The app provides convenient and secure access to your account. You will also need it to activate your Digital Security Device, which is required for certain sensitive transactions.

Other useful features

Moving your money in Canada - Once you’re able to use your account, you can deposit funds by mobile cheque deposit or INTERAC e-Transfer.

View and manage your international HSBC accounts - Transfer money easily between your personal HSBC accounts in over 30 countries in Online Banking, with our Global View & Global Transfers service. Exclusively available to HSBC Premier and HSBC Advance customers.

Your debit card

Once you arrive in Canada, visit any HSBC branch to get your temporary debit card and PIN, which will be activated immediately.

You can use your temporary card while you wait for your permanent card in the mail, and the PIN will remain the same.

If you’d prefer to have a debit card before your arrival, you can request one by contacting us at the number below.

Please note that when you’re outside Canada, you can only use your debit card for withdrawals at certain ATMs, and it cannot be used for online purchases.

Terms and Conditions

You already accepted HSBC Bank Canada’s Terms and Conditions when submitting your online application, but should you need to reference those documents again, you can view them at www.hsbc.ca/documents.

Thank you for opening an account with us!


International Banking Team

HSBC Bank Canada

開通Phone Banking, Ebanking 同拎 debit card:

  1. 打去加拿大匯豐有2個方法
    • 直接打去604-525-4722 (打通之後襟 3, 3, 0 會有真人聽電話)
    • 打去2233 3888 叫佢轉駁去 HSBC CA
  2. 同佢講要Electronic Banking Number (EBN) 同 Online Registration Code去開ebanking佢就會幫你開通戶口

  3. 途中會問你開唔開埋Phone Banking 同埋debit card 寄唔寄香港既

  4. debit card 會寄黎香港地址大約15至20工作日

  5. 當你拎到Electronic Banking Number (EBN) 同 Online Registration Code之後就開到ebanking

  6. 上 hsbc.ca 之後 log on 再㩒 not registered 然後填返俾你既Electronic Banking Number (EBN) 同 Online Registration Code 建立返 ebanking

  7. 之後就可以download 埋HSBC CA app 去開埋mobile token 同biometrics login 喇

  8. 你既戶口已經用得, 如果你有HSBC HK, 你仲可以link 埋香港既匯豐戶口落去轉錢去加拿大hsbc環球轉賬
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